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Mistakes That Keep You from Living Organized (And How to Fix Them!)

When it comes to living the organized life, it requires establishing habits that will not only get you organized, but that will keep you organized long term. To identify what you need to do, it can sometimes be easiest to identify the current habits that are acting as barriers, keeping you stuck in a cycle of clutter and disorganization.

See how many of these habits you currently have, then check out what habits you can replace them with. Each habit replaced puts you closer to achieving the organized life you are dreaming of!

Habits of Disorganized Living:

1.     Leaving shoes out.

2.     Tossing your purse or wallet on the counter.

3.     Setting mail down on the counter or table.

4.     Letting school paperwork pile up on surfaces.

5.     Leaving dirty dishes in the sink or on the counter/table.

6.     Holding on to shipping boxes from deliveries.

7.     Allowing purchases that need to be returned to sit around the house.

8.     Making frequent impulse purchases.

9.     Letting laundry pile up.

10.   Not completing a full cycle of laundry for a load (yep, including folding and putting away!)

11.   Leaving the bed unmade.

12.   Ignoring messes in children’s rooms.

13.   Allowing toys to stay out in any living space.

14.   Leaving new purchases in main living areas/near entrances.

15.   Hiding clutter in drawers, cabinets, or closets/Shoving items in hiding places when in need of clearing a space.

16.   Not decluttering your spaces regularly.


Habits of Organized Living:

1.       Having a designated area to keep shoes.

2.       Having a designated space for your purse or wallet to be stored between uses.

3.       Immediately processing mail from the day. Dispose of junk mail and either have a designated

area to hold mail needing attention or take care of it (pay bills, etc) right away.

4.       Similar to the mail situation, either having a designated space (and time to address) for

school papers or immediately processing for return to school.

5.       Washing dishes and/or loading the dishwasher throughout the day as dishes are used.

6.       Immediately breaking down and disposing of shipping boxes.

7.       Having a central hub or bin for purchases needing to be returned and making a plan to

take care of those returns in a timely fashion.

8.       Shopping with intention. Not only will this save you clutter, but it will save you money so

you can spend it the way you really want to.

9.       Running a load or a few loads of laundry daily depending on needs.

10.   Fully completing loads of laundry each day including folding and putting away.

11.  Making the bed daily.

12. Creating routines with their children for frequent resetting of their spaces.

13. Having designated areas for toys and utilizing a daily toy sweep to return and wandering toys to their homes.

14. Putting new purchases away upon bringing them into the house.

15. Having a designated home for every item so quick cleanups are easier knowing

exactly where belongings need to go.

16. Having a decluttering plan in place to clear clutter from your spaces daily or at regular intervals.


Need help establishing an organized space in a hurry so you can adopt and maintain more of these habits of organized living with ease? Call in the Powerhouse Organizing team to give you the jumpstart you need by contacting Kelly at (314) 602-5094 or visit today to book your session!

Now is the time. Call in the Powerhouse Organizers to help today!

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